Calendar for Gosford 2006 Ratings for Central Coast 'active' players - dec 2006

Gosford Calendar xls Ratings xls

Ric_and_Mick_Cristmas_Eve_2005 (27K) President's report in June

April Round Robin
Deep Winter Chill a Swiss Handicap-Blitz in August
Deeper and Chillier Swiss Handicap-Blitz later that August
Peter_Atkin_drops_back_into_chess_black_V_Frank-Xmas_eve_2005 (30K)
Les_and_Peter--Duke_it_out-Xmas_Ev_2005 (23K) Spectacular Spring September Round Robin
October Round Robin Blitz
November Swiss Allegro
Michael_gets_performance_2nd_award_November_One_dayer_2005 (26K)
Jim_Henderson_Award_2005 (13K) David_Burrell_2005 (45K)
Jim Henderson Award 2005 to David Burrell (sustained improvement)