Note : if you find any broken links or updates in theses links in any way then click the 'mailto' at the bottom of this page. You may disagree or want to refine my description of a site(after all things might have changed or I missed something) - well let me know guys & gals; let me know. Of course if I have missed a link then let me know that too ... (thanks)
Organisations & Clubs
New South Wales
Mingara Chess Club
One of the better content-wise Aust sites, the maintainer has posts not only round by round results of their tournaments but the next rounds' pairing, so that players who are keen and on the net can find out their upcoming opponent !
South Australia
Western Australia
Australian Capital Territory
Northern Territory & Other Territories
State & Federal Organisations
Australian Chess Federation; last I looked it was fairly spartan, NSWCA site better information-wise but the national Association is the National association after all. One of the nifty features is quite a few clubs have their competition calendars here.
A very complete site - has articles on ethics; tournament play; Ratings; Tournament histories and you should make sure you bookmark this one, also has lots of Australian links - probably/certainly more up-to-date than this one.
Chess in South Australia, good list of South Australian clubs & addresses, much still under construction last I looked (Aug 1998) but looks real promising, the maintainer, Joe, has beaten me OTB easily so he must be good :-)
New Zealand Chess Federation
Chess Federation of Canada
United States Chess Federation
France Chess Federation
Finnish Chess Federation
Rotterdam Chess Association
FIDE - The Federation Internationale des Echecs
Australasia (Asia-Pacific)
Chess Discount Sales Peter Parr's Chess Centre
ChessWorld Australia
ACE enterprises Brian Jones' Chess shop
Elsewhere (World)
Batsford Books
Chess Informant
New in Chess
Inside Chess Online
News & Views
Net Chess Good news roundup, Australian-based site - good junior info
The Week In Chess
Twic is a weekly roundup of what has been happening in the Chess World - don't miss it. Usually has more than 1,000 games,
Tim Mann's Chess page GNU chess & lots of links
Game Archives
Randy Bauer homepage Randy is a US National Chessmaster, there's lots at this site - including high quality annotations to some very instructive games
Pittsburgh archives Not only has lots of utilities but has an enormous collection of games - in PGN format and others, of openings, tournaments, famous player's games etc
"God's Database Program" AKA CDB - very nice freeware PGN (& lots of other filetypes) gameviewer & tree viewer.
Chessbase heaps of Chess programs at this site but particularly cblight which is a free version of the fine Chess Database program
Chess Assistant Good Database
Tasc Database and playing program
GambitSoft has a heap of freeware; shareware and demo programs
Tutorial - Programs & Text
Bookup fine tutorial set - commercial but a working demo is available
Polgar Chess Center
Yermo Chess
Academy get your games annotated by professionals (as yet untested by yours truly)
Internet Chess Academy
Tournament Organisers
Internet Chess on Nexus (ICoN) - play chess online, Australian based
Yermo Chess
Academy get your games annotated by professionals (as yet untested by yours truly)
The Internet Chess Club (ICC) - play chess online for a pretty small yearly cost
The Free Internet Chess Server (FICS) - similar to ICC but free, ratings are on a slightly lower scale than ICC & elo
Polgar Chess Center
Last Updated 30 June 2004
© copyright 1998; 2004 Keith Farrell
any comments or additions : Keith