Results of the current year of tournaments; also for previous tournaments.


Double round robin. Starting 3 Sept 1998. The return of the 'Winter' tournaments : the Winter 'A' & the Winter 'B' (under 1200).
Sadly a couple of players had to drop out after playing only one or two rounds so are not included in the crosstable - better fortune next year fellows.

last updated 4 Nov 1998

Winter A

Ettalong Winter A - 1998
Name #1 2 3 4 5 Total Place
George Oehm 1# 11 11 11 WW 6 1st
Keith Farrell 200 # 11 11 WW 4 2nd
Ric Smith 300 00 # 11.
Les Porter 400 00 00 # 00 0 .
John Moore 5FF FF 11 # .

Double round robin. Starting 3 Sept 1998. The Winter 'B' includes two players over 1200; thus not eligible for prizes (just playing for playing's sake; AND to rate the others).
Due to house renovation & other disturbances we lost 3 players who had started - since they hadn't played 50% of games they are not included in the crosstable.

last updated 4 Nov 1998

Winter B

Ettalong Winter B(incorporating Under 1200) - 1998
Name #1 2 3 4 Total Place
Keith Farrell 1# 11 11 1st
Les Porter 2# 01 11 2nd/1st Under 1200
Ric Smith 300 10 # 11 3 .
Les Denning 400 00 00 # 0 .

Ettalong Summer Rapid 2003

Started shortly before Christmas 2003 - and thus having a break, this tournament was approached with great enthusiasm since it was our first in 5 years. When rounds were played sometimes two rounds [of a double round robin] were caught up with. In the end Phil graciously mass-defaulted as he had difficulties attending.

Time Limit was 30 minutes per [or G30].
No Name              Loc  Total  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 

1  Farrell, Keith R  1387 11.0   *  1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0  +  1.0 2.0  1st
2  Williams, John P       10.5  1.0  *  1.0 1.5 1.0  +  2.0 2.0  2nd
3  Shearwood, Barry  1273 8.5   1.0 1.0  *  1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0  =3rd
4  Frias, Joe        1472 8.5   0.0 .5  1.0  *  1.0  +  2.0 2.0  =3rd
5  Porter, Leslie    1101 6.0   0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0  *  0.0 1.0 2.0
6  Brown, Phil            6.0    -   -  1.0  -  2.0  *  1.0 2.0
7  Hoseman, Bill     978  5.5   1.0 0.0 .5  0.0 1.0 1.0  *  2.0
8  Delaney, Lorraine      0.0   0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  * 

Place Name              Loc  Score

  1   Farrell, Keith R  1387 11   
  2   Williams, John P       10.5 
 3-4  Shearwood, Barry  1273 8.5  
      Frias, Joe        1472 8.5  
 5-6  Porter, Leslie    1101 6    
      Brown, Phil            6    
  7   Hoseman, Bill     978  5.5  
  8   Delaney, Lorraine      0    

No Name              Loc  Score  Exp. Chg*K  Rav Rprfm

1. Hoseman, Bill     978  4.5/12 2.04    25 1251  1164
2. Porter, Leslie    1101 6.0/14 4.48    15 1234  1184
3. Delaney, Lorraine      0.0/12               0     0
4. Frias, Joe        1472 5.5/10 8.50   -30 1181  1217
5. Shearwood, Barry  1273 7.5/12 7.08     4 1209  1304
6. Farrell, Keith R  1387 7.0/10 7.50    -5 1193  1342
7. Brown, Phil            4.0/6             1217  1342
8. Williams, John P       7.5/10            1217  1410

Excellent performances from Bill, who took points or half points from those more favoured and good results also for Les.

Ettalong Saturday Blitz - Jan 10 2004

No Name              Total 1 2 3 4 5  6 

1  Frias, Joe        5     * 1 1 1 1  1 
2  Welzel, Morgan    4     0 * 1 1 1  1 
3  Hoseman, Bill     3     0 0 * 1 1  1 
4  Delaney, Lorraine 2     0 0 0 * 1  1 
5  Welzel, Rhien     .5    0 0 0 0 *  .5
6  Brownhill, Tega   .5    0 0 0 0 .5 * 

Ettalong Winter Round Robin 2004

the story so far [30 June]

No Name             Total 1 2  3 4 5  6 7 8

1  Barry Shearwood  3     *      1 1  1    
2  Allen Wilkinson  2.5     *    1 .5 1    
3  Keith R Farrell  2          * 1 1       
4  Leslie Porter    1     0 0  0 *    1    
5  Bill Hoseman     .5    0 .5 0   *       
6  Lorraine Delaney 0     0 0    0    *    
7  Mick Coyle       0                   *  
8  Jivan Scarano    0                     *

Last Updated 30 June 2004
© copyright 1998; 2004 Keith Farrell
any comments or additions : Keith