When : Saturday 26th
October and Sunday 27th
October 2019
Where : Central Coast Leagues Club,
Dane Drive, Gosford.
Venue: Parkview Room on
level 1
by lift behind the Scenic Lounge or the lift adjacent to the Tab. Also by stairs adjacent to Kelly’s bar. Under age guests are
welcome on level one but must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
is no bar access on level 1, Guests will need to
purchase drinks from the ground floor. Food & drinks can be taken
upstairs into the Parkview Room.
is a water fountain tap on the bar for filtered water. Glasses will be
Control: 1
hour with 10 sec Fischer Style increments
Saturday Rounds ( Oct 26 )
10am; 1pm; 3:30pm
Rounds ( Oct 27 )
10am; 12:30pm & 3pm prizegiving 5:35pm
Arbiter : TBA
Open 1st $325, 2nd $175, 3rd
1800 Under 1400
Under 1600 Under
1st $100 and 2nd $40 in each
Senior and Junior Lloyd Fell Shield awarded to best
Entry fees $50; $40 concession; $35 juniors
$10 deduction if paid prior to Saturday 19th October
Entry for IM’s & GM’s who enter prior to Saturday 19 October)
Post entries to - Allen Robinson, CCLCC Treasurer, 20 Bellinger Street,
The Ponds NSW 2769
Payment can be made by direct deposit to
Central Coast Chess Club
Westpac Bank
BSB - 032 289
Account number - 159552
If you pay by direct deposit, please write your surname and ‘GosOpen’ in
the description and send your receip to our treasurer Allen Robinson allenarobinson@hotmail.com
Enquiries : Allen on 0477 364 212 or Keith on (02) 4341 7864 or 0490 011 449 or Keith@GosfordChess.com
¨ Minimum number of entries in
divisions (eg at least 5 to have a second prize)
¨ These guaranteed minimums are calculated on a 30 entrant assumption
¨ Some prizes will increase if entries exceed 30
¨ Prize Divisions may be banded
¨ Only one prize per player;
players provisionally rated after 3 rounds
¨ Best junior may be combined
with Lloyd Fell Shield & Cash prizes
Default time is 30 minutes – ie Any player who arrives at the chessboard
more than 30 minutes
after the start of the session shall lose the game unless the arbiter decides
Entry :
Full Junior Concession Early
Enclosed is $________ for entry _______________________________
of Birth if Junior ____/____/_______ Make
cheques/Money Orders out to : Central Coast Leagues
Chess Club